Internasjonal blogg

A 10 hour bus drive and pepperkakehus
Hei hei! On the very first day of November, I got to see a bit of snow! Sadly, it did not last very long and did not snow more on the following days even if

Here we go again!
Hey there, October was my second month here in Norway and it was more chill than the first one. As a matter of fact, it started with a one week autumn break that allowed me

Life in Norway is a rollercoaster
Hello there! Time flies and it is already time to make a quick summary of my first month here. I have met so many people, colleagues but also the youths I have started working with.

Vår nye volontør – Sarah!
Hei ! I am Sarah, 22 years old and the new volunteer in Vinstra 😊 I was born and raised in Switzerland, near Lausanne, and recently got my sociology Bachelor. I decided to take a gap

So little time time but already a lot!
From on-arrival seminar in Balestrand Hi! We haven`t been here for more then a couple of months, but so much has already happened! First we went to do an on-arrival-seminar in Balestrand! It was a magical experience!

On-arrival seminar and everyday life
Hei, Now are already the first 1, 5 months in Norway over! Maybe it`s because of the many kind people and the wonderful place it seems like the time just flies away?! After 2 weeks

Marion er den andre volontøren vi er vertskap for
Hello ! My name is Marion Fouré, I’m French and I’m the new volunteer! I am extremely honored to be able to spend this year here, in this beautiful country with an extremely interesting project,

Ny volontør i Midtdalen
Hei! Jeg heter Manuel og kommer fra Tyksland (My Norwegian is limited to this few words yet, so I will continue in English). I come from a small town just 15 km away from Frankfurt

Arrivederci Vinstra, see you again!
So, this is it: my EVS ends here. Seems like yesterday since I came in Norway, and now it`s almost time to leave. First of all I have to say a big «thank you!» to

The last blog from Blandine : Au revoir !
It’s time for me to tell you goodbye. This EVS project comes to an end and I would like to thank all the people who have made me feel at home here. I have travel

Towards summer, towards the end
Entering the last month of this adventure, I can`t believe how time went so fast from last October, how many steps further I made, and how much I got more aware of myself. It`s

Funny facts about Norway by a French girl
After living 8 months in Vinstra, here are some funny facts about Norway according to me: Norwegian can have really strange habits for a French person. To start: the fact of consuming snuss (tobacco in small bags).

Thoughts after almost seven months in Norway
With only little more than two months left to live in this Country, and with long days and warmer temperatures, I can start to make a sum of this wonderful opportunity I had. Last weekend

The learning process of being a «role model»
I have three months left to live in Norway and I can already feel the end of this adventure approaching. I came here 6 months ago to work as a “role model” in youth houses

Goodbye winter! Or maybe not yet?
Another month has passed, and now Påskeferie are close. Here I am again… another month has passed, and so many things continue to happen every day, like the recent Bursdagfest of my Norwegian class teacher. Can I

Spring is coming
It is now already the middle of my experience as a volunteer in Norway. After a small Christmas holiday break in France, I am back in Vinstra. The amount of snow really surprised me as

Time goes on…
…really fast here in Vinstra, and days are getting longer and longer. And here I am again talking about my EVS experience… a thing I was always wondering when I`ve been chosen as a volunteer

Juleferie i Norge
Time goes fast from the day I arrived here, almost 3 months ago. Every day I wake up looking at the window, wondering “ok, so what’s going to happen today?” and watching the white of

Christmas letter from a French volunteer in Vinstra
Now, after two months and a half living in Vinstra, I can confirm how lucky I am to be a volunteer here. I already feel at home thanks to the very warm welcome from the

Emanuele Ivaldi jobber som firvillig ungdomsarbeider i Midtdalen
Emanuele er den andre volontøren i Erasmus+ prosjektet «Broaden our horizon»: «Ciao»! I’m Emanuele, the new italian volunteer who is joining this wonderful adventure in Vinstra! I live in Asti, a medium-sized town which is

Blandine Dunesme, vår franske ungdomsarbeider!
Blandine Dunesme er en av to volontører i Midtdalen 2017/2018. Hun er her gjennom Erasmus+ prosjektet «Broaden our horizon». Her er en liten presentasjon: I am Blandine from France, I’m 23 and I will be an