Internasjonal blogg


Here we go again!

Hey there, October was my second month here in Norway and it was more chill than the first one. As a matter of fact, it started with a one week autumn break that allowed me

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Life in Norway is a rollercoaster

Hello there! Time flies and it is already time to make a quick summary of my first month here. I have met so many people, colleagues but also the youths I have started working with.

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Vår nye volontør – Sarah!

Hei !  I am Sarah, 22 years old and the new volunteer in Vinstra 😊  I was born and raised in Switzerland, near Lausanne, and recently got my sociology Bachelor. I decided to take a gap

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So little time time but already a lot!

From on-arrival seminar in Balestrand Hi! We haven`t been here for more then a couple of months, but so much has already happened! First we went to do an on-arrival-seminar in Balestrand! It was a magical experience!

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On-arrival seminar and everyday life

Hei, Now are already the first 1, 5 months in Norway over! Maybe it`s because of the many kind people and the wonderful place it seems like the time just flies away?! After 2 weeks

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Ny volontør i Midtdalen

Hei! Jeg heter Manuel og kommer fra Tyksland (My Norwegian is limited to this few words yet, so I will continue in English). I come from a small town just 15 km away from Frankfurt

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Towards summer, towards the end

Entering the last month of this adventure, I can`t believe how time went so fast from last October, how many steps further I made, and how much I got more aware of myself.   It`s

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Funny facts about Norway by a French girl

After living 8 months in Vinstra, here are some funny facts about Norway according to me:   Norwegian can have really strange habits for a French person. To start: the fact of consuming snuss (tobacco in small bags).

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Goodbye winter! Or maybe not yet?

Another month has passed, and now Påskeferie are close.   Here I am again… another month has passed, and so many things continue to happen every day, like the recent Bursdagfest of my Norwegian class teacher. Can I

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Spring is coming

It is now already the middle of my experience as a volunteer in Norway. After a small Christmas holiday break in France, I am back in Vinstra. The amount of snow really surprised me as

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Time goes on…

…really fast here in Vinstra, and days are getting longer and longer. And here I am again talking about my EVS experience… a thing I was always wondering when I`ve been chosen as a volunteer

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Juleferie i Norge

Time goes fast from the day I arrived here, almost 3 months ago. Every day I wake up looking at the window, wondering “ok, so what’s going to happen today?” and watching the white of

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