Emanuele er den andre volontøren i Erasmus+ prosjektet «Broaden our horizon»:
I’m Emanuele, the new italian volunteer who is joining this wonderful adventure in Vinstra! I live in Asti, a medium-sized town which is half an hour from Turin, in northern Italy: I’m surrounded by the hills of Monferrato, a famous region now part of Unesco. As you can guess, they’re famous for their food and wine-producers! After my degree in architecture – more precisely, urban and environment planning 3 years ago, I’ve just finished a specialization course this summer in environmental and sustainable energy field. During my last internship in a no-profit organization about protection of cultural heritage and environment protection, I felt the need of an abroad experience. I also work as a volunteer in the tourism-promotion organization in Turin: here we are almost like a family, and my main task is to help in tourist information points, as i like to share and let tourists and people from all over the world to be aware of the importance of our italian cultural heritage and history. I worked in many important events as well, to support the staff in music events, movie and art exhibitions.
I love to hike, to travel a lot, video gaming, I played basketball, go cycling, movies, I love music, I played piano some years ago (maybe I’ll play it again thanks to this project, who knows? :P), I love drawing landscapes and take pictures. Why I’m here then? Well, I admit it’s not my first time here in Norway, as I’ve been to Oslo some times before. I always had the wish to explore more about Scandinavian culture, and that’s why I’ve applied for this European Program. I think it’s an amazing opportunity for me, to know more about myself and discover the typical life in rural Norway and its beautiful landscapes, and how it is like to work with youths! 🙂 I’m sure we’ll have a great time together and I can’t wait to share what I know from my country to all of you! 🙂
As you see I’m the guy in the picture who’s looking at the beautiful main gallery in Reggia di Venaria in Turin, one the most beautiful and precious treasures we have in Italy.